Make peace with discomfort

Make peace with discomfort

No one likes to feel uncomfortable because as humans, we like to feel good. Usually feeling good means that things are going well, we may feel in control, and have some idea what to expect next.

Most people (not all) are very uncomfortable in the unknown as it is unpredictable. The unknown can feel very scary and cause a lot of anxiety and mental strain. Our minds reach out to the future and we often imagine all of the worst-case scenarios NOT the exciting things that could be on the other side of uncertainty.

I used to be this person but over the years have been grooming myself to trust the unknown more and more. Partly this is because I have chosen to walk a different path to most people I know and blaze my own trail, however scary and lonely it might be at times.

How have I done it? Firstly, by reminding myself that we really don’t have full control over our lives nor would we necessarily want it as we would only be able to create from the place we are at right NOW (with our limited experiences and beliefs)

The unknown creates a stretch that allows us to move in new directions and, if you get bored easily like me, this is critical

Sometimes I even look forward to the unknown with excitement and why not? It is from the unknown that most MAGIC happens and by being comfortable with it, we can exist more easily in the present moment which is our point of creation.

So, hunker down and embrace the unknown as much as you can. Know that it, like certainty is only temporary and soon you will be walking a new path that might just be better than anything you have ever imagined!


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