The discomfort of uncertainty

The discomfort of uncertainty

Uncertainty still makes most of us feel uncomfortable. It can cause doubt, confusion, anxiety, overwhelm, and even cause us to shut down, self-medicate, and lose our confidence. We are not sure we can feel safe in the unknown.

To compensate we wrap ourselves in a bubble of certainty, pretend that all is well in our world, and often avoid risks or things that make us feel vulnerable or uncomfortable.

But here’s the thing… uncertainty is a by-product of change and we all know that the only constant in life is change

With the recent global events we are seeing change hit us all hard. And with that change comes uncertainty, confusion, and loss. Even the changes WE initiate can cause these three feelings to well up and overcome us until the change settles into our new reality

While avoiding the unknown can be possible for some of us in certain situations, we can then become trapped in the prison of our own minds. Anything outside of the norm can induce fear. We stop trusting. We start judging things and people that do not fit into our neatly designed mental construct.

And we stop learning and growing.

If this sounds familiar, ask yourself:

What is making me uncomfortable or no longer resonating with me right now?

What am I wanting to change deep down?

What am I telling myself about this change?

Who would I be if I followed my heart and leaped into the unknown?

What is stopping you from accepting a change that has been imposed on you or initiating one your soul is crying out for? Please share below:


1. Accept that you are in the great unknown. It is a PROCESS we all go through. BREATHE into it by taking 3 slow deep belly breaths and allowing your exhale (through the mouth) to be longer than your inhale

2. Identify what is coming up for you. What are you feeling? What are you telling yourself?

3. Check in process:

a. Do I know my thoughts are 100% true and correct? Are they a FACT?

b. Who am I when I believe them to be true?

c. Who am I without these beliefs?

d. What would I rather believe?

e. Who am I when I believe this?

Want support? Reach out for a remote 90 minute energy alchemy session and coaching to help you integrate your new frequency

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